The US East Coast's Ocean Under Attack: How Climate Change is Devastating Marine Ecosystems

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing our planet, and its consequences are evident in the ocean waters along the East Coast of the United States. The region has seen an increase in temperature, sea levels and bleaching coral reefs, all of which can have a devastating effect on the environment, aquatic life and coastal communities. 

The most obvious effects of climate change in the East Coast ocean can be seen in the rising temperatures, which can lead to coral bleaching - a phenomenon when coral reefs become pale due to heat stress. This has damaged nearly 90% of the Caribbean coral reefs, and warmer temperatures have been linked to the death of various marine species, such as sea turtles.

Aside from an increase in temperature, the elevation of sea levels has been continuously advancing. This can be attributed to the melting of ice caps and glaciers, as well as the normal development of the ocean. As sea levels swell, coastal zones become more prone to flooding and erosion, resulting in the destruction of buildings, businesses, and natural habitats, and a rise in the salinity of the water, causing a decrease in aquatic life.

Furthermore, global warming can cause drastic adjustments in the quality of water in our East Coast seas. With temperatures increasing, oxygen levels decrease which makes it challenging for fish, crabs, and other aquatic species to endure. Additionally, soaring temperature can result in an increase in toxic algal blooms, leading to hypoxic (low oxygen) zones in certain parts of the ocean, resulting in the death of numerous species and a reduction of biodiversity in selected areas.

The consequences of global warming on the oceans of our East Coast can be destructive, so it is necessary that we take action soon to reduce the effects. We need to cut the amount of greenhouses gases we produce, as well as invest in coastal defence initiatives to lessen the outcomes of inundation and erosion. Furthermore, it is essential to back attempts to restore and shield coral reefs, as well as investigate methods to lower oceanic acidification. By taking these measures, we can protect the oceans of the East Coast and its living creatures for future generations.

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