Can +3°C Global Warming Sink Our Cities?

Global warming's impact on the world's cities is a major source of worry. Temperature rise is producing a slew of issues for coastal towns, ranging from increased erosion and floods to land sinking. In this post, we will look at the cities that are most likely to sink with just a 3°C increase in global temperatures.

Photo de Mikhail Nilov

The Effects of Rising Sea Levels on Cities

Rising sea levels are one of the effects of global warming that are most evident. Due to ocean expansion brought on by global warming, sea levels rise. This has a number of effects on coastal towns, including increased erosion and flooding. The earth beneath these settlements might also be sinking.

Land subsidence is caused by a number of processes, including permafrost melting and the extraction of underground water and oil. Land may sink as a result, putting coastal towns at risk of erosion and flooding.

The Cities Most at Risk of Sinking with 3°C Global Warming

  1. Miami, Florida, USA
  2. Shanghai, China
  3. Tokyo, Japan
  4. Jakarta, Indonesia
  5. Alexandria, Egypt

These cities are considered to be the most at risk of sinking with just a 3°C rise in global temperatures. Miami, Florida is particularly vulnerable due to its low-lying location and the extraction of underground water. Shanghai, China is at risk due to the large amount of land reclamation that has taken place in the area. Tokyo, Japan is also at risk due to its location on the coast and the extraction of underground water.

Jakarta, Indonesia is at risk due to its location on the coast and the extraction of underground water. Alexandria, Egypt is at risk due to its location on the coast and the subsidence of the land.

What Can Be Done to Protect These Cities?

To prevent these cities from sinking, a variety of steps can be performed. The construction of sea walls and other coastal fortifications, as well as the development of green places that can assist absorb excess water, are some examples of this.

Cities can also impose harsher rules on the exploitation of oil and water from subsurface formations. This will lessen the rate at which the ground sinks and shield these towns from the effects of increasing sea levels.


Metropolis all across the world are being badly impacted by global warming, and one of the many effects we are seeing is the sinking of these cities. Acting now to protect these settlements will help to mitigate the consequences of sea level rise and ensure that they are preserved for present and future generations.

As shown in this picture, the construction of sea walls and other coastal fortifications can assist shield coastal towns like Miami, Florida, from the effects of rising sea levels while still preserving the vitality and prosperity of these areas.

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